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HP241R Whistler - Ratchet Suspension


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Whistler - Hard hat with rain trough, HDPE shell, 4-point nylon suspension, ”Sure-Lock” Ratchet adjustment, 4 anchor points for chin strap. Certified CSA Type 1 Class E and ANSI Type I Class E.

Sleek & modern style lightweight high density polyethylene hard hat to give you and your company the ideal choice in CSA Type 1 head protection. Rain trough & slotted design shell to accommodate all the latest accessories such as hearing protection, face shields, forestry kits or welding protection. Also attachment points for chin straps etc. Comfortable 4-point nylon webbing suspensions with pin-lock Available in 17 colors: 01/White, 02/Yellow, 03/Orange, 04/Dark Green, 05/Hi-Viz Red, 06/Light Blue, 07/ Sky Blue, 08/Navy Blue, 09/Gray, 10/Beige, 11/Black, 13/Gold, 15/Red, 17/Royal Blue, 20/Pink, 31/Hi-Viz Orange, 44/Hi-Viz Yellow

Please Note:
We only Stock following colors of Helmets:

HP241-1 White 
HP241-3 Orange
HP241-15 Red

All other Colors are Special Order

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